Beginner’s Gap

I’m pretty sure if Ira Glass and I knew each other, we’d be good friends.

I love this quote. I first discovered it back when I first started teaching yoga, and even though this is about creative work, it really resonated with me. I really felt my novice status. I knew I wasn’t as good a teacher as my teachers with all their experience and wisdom. But I knew I would get there. I knew I had to put in the work. There were no short cuts, I had to earn my experience and wisdom. I actually like that there are no short cuts in life. Doing the work, the learning is the best part! The time between here and there needs to be experienced. And when you get “there” you can look back at “here” with gratification. Sometimes, the more time between “there” and “here” the more rewarding the experience is. Not to say that I’ve arrived! I’m still learning, still becoming the yoga teacher I want to be.

And now, I’m a novice blogger. I’ve always been a writer at heart – in my personal journals, writing for school. But now I’m publishing (in a way). It’s not that big a deal, everyone and their grandmother blogs! But it also kind of is a big deal. I’m putting myself out there and I don’t really know what I’m doing (in case you couldn’t tell!). So please, be kind, thank you! Thank you for reading. Thank you for being my family, my friend, whoever you are, dear reader! I may be a novice, but I’ve got to say, I’m actually having fun.

Ira Glass Gap

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