
Playlist: Feel

Here is a more recent compilation I’ve really been enjoying using in class lately. Each one of these songs is just cool – deep beats, emotive, inspires feeling.

I love drama in songs, for example track 2, “Bloodflood” has a long pause, a break in the music near the end of the song, that pause carries tension for a good three seconds and then the music comes pouring back in – so good. I also like the recurring lyric, “breathe in” with an audible inhale, “exhale” with an audible exhale, very yoga, I dig it.

More drama in savasana with Imogen Heap’s “Hide and Seek.” Auto-tune. A cappella. Awesome. Read More →

Favorite Yoga Songs #1

Music and yoga go together like… Hall & Oates, like Kool & the Gang, like… Me & Bobby McGee. Music helps set the tone, and the pace. Music can deepen your yoga practice and take it to new heights. Lucky for me I can meld two of my passions.

I think A LOT about what songs are good to practice yoga to. Many of my favorite songs in general are not great for yoga, but these ones are! This is not a playlist, these are just a few of the songs that have made their way onto a number of my playlists. My students have heard these 10 songs over and over again. Often someone will ask me after class…. “what was that song?” Here are some of the most frequently asked about songs, and maybe you’ll discover one here that you’ve always wanted to know what it is but never asked!

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Playlist: Breathe

This is one of the first yoga playlists I put together. What makes a playlist a yoga playlist, you ask? Good question! For one thing, their timing and pacing is arranged to follow the arc of a yoga practice. It starts off pretty chill, something that’s good to breathe to, to introduce movement. Then it picks up in energy to accompany warming up with sun salutations. Next I usually do a series of standing postures and floor postures and the music I use here can really range in tempo and style, I think it just needs to not be too chill, just good stuff to help sustain the practice. Finally there is the wind-down and savasana, this is where is gets super chill. Music really helps to enhance relaxation. Savasana songs are my favorite.

All my playlists have a theme. This one not only features a number of tracks with the word “breathe” in the title, but I also feel that it is light and flows – like breath. Read More →